A Tale of Two Kitties is a 1942 Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies cartoon directed by Bob Clampett, written by Warren Foster, and features music by Carl W. Stalling. The short was released on November 21, 1942, and features the debut of Tweety, originally named Orson until his second cartoon, who delivers the line that would become his catchphrase: “I tawt I taw a puddy tat!”
Alternative titles: Como Pegar Um Passarinho | Ein Märchen von zwei Kätzchen | Vogelfang mit Hindernissen | Die Geschichte zweier Katzen | La Historia de dos gatos | Histoire de chatons | Macskaszáj | Due gatti contro Titti | ネコたちの大作戦 | La Gran Cacería | Priča o dva mačeta | История двух котов | Історія двох котів | Babbit and Catstello | Merrie Melodies #4 (1942-1943 Season): A Tale of Two Kitties
Notes: The short was reissued as a Blue Ribbon cartoon on July 31, 1948.