Jessica Barrett, wife and mother of two young children, begins to show signs of demonic possession while pregnant with her third child. As she seeks help from her husband and doctor, a mysterious man approaches her and seems to have some answers.
Alternative titles: Un pacto con el diablo | Behind the Door | A Reencarnação do Demônio | Espírito Maligno | Le démon aux tripes | Chi Sei? | Poseída por el demonio | El demonio en ella | Poder maléfico | Yhteys tuonpuoleiseen | Beyond the Door | To sperma tou antihristou | Το σπέρμα του αντίχριστου | The Devil Within Her | La cosa è tra noi (Chi sei?) | Diabolica | デアボリカ | ¿Quién eres? | La endemoniada | O Diabo Dentro Dela | I djävulens grepp | Kontrakt med andra sidan | За дверью | Şeytan | За дверима | A Demon Beyond the Door | A Demon Lurks Beyond the Door | Vom Satan gezeugt | Wer bist Du? | Who Are You?