Jungle Book (1942)

Mowgli, lost in the jungle when a toddler, raised by wolves, years later happens upon his human village and reconnects with its inhabitants, including his widowed mother. Continuing to maintain a relationship with the jungle, adventures follow.

Alternative titles: Dschungelbuch | The Jungle Book | Книга за джунглата | Mowgly: O Menino Lobo | Mogli, o Menino Lobo | Le livre de la jungle | El libro de la selva | Das Dschungelbuch | Ulvedrengen Mowgli | Junglebogen | El llibre de la selva | Viidakkokirja | Viidakon poika | Djunglens son | Le Livre de la jungle | Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book | O gyios tis zouglas | O vasilias tis zouglas | A dzsungel könyve | Il libro della giungla | Il libro della jungla | ジャングル・ブック(1942) | El hijo de las fieras | Het boek der wildernis | Jungelboken | Księga dżungli | O Filho da Selva | Djungelboken | Книга джунглей | Hint Esrarı | Книга джунглів

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