As a parting shot, fired reporter Ann Mitchell prints a fake letter from unemployed “John Doe,” who threatens suicide in protest of social ills. The paper is forced to rehire Ann and hires John Willoughby to impersonate “Doe.” Ann and her bosses cynically milk the story for all it’s worth, until the made-up “John Doe” philosophy starts a whole political movement.
Alternative titles: …Y la cabalgata pasa | John Doe, man uit de straat | John Doe, l’homme de la rue | Запознайте се с Джон Доу | Adorável Vagabundo | Meu Adorável Vagabundo | Hier ist John Doe | Wer ist John Doe? | Vi behøver hinanden | Juan Nadie | He uskoivat elämään | L’Homme de la rue | John Doe, Dynamite | Ο λαός προστάζει | O laos prostazei | Upoznajte Johna Doea | Az utca embere | Bemutatom John Doe-t | I dominatori della metropoli | Arriva John Doe! | Incontrando John Doe | 群衆 | Sutikti Džoną Dou | El mandamiento supremo | John Doe, de man die het meende | Vi trenger hverandre | Obywatel John Doe | Um João Ninguém | Întâlnire cu John Doe | Vi-l prezint pe John Doe | Познакомьтесь с Джоном Доу | Vi behöver varann | Spoznajte Johna Doeja | Cihan Hakimi | Познайомтеся із Джоном Доу | Frank Capra’s ‘Meet John Doe’ | The Life and Death of John Doe | The Life of John Doe | ¿Conocen a John Doe?