Actor Lester Blaine has all but landed the lead in Myra Hudson’s new play when Myra vetoes him because, to her, he doesn’t look like a romantic leading man. On a train from New York to San Francisco, Blaine sets out to prove Myra wrong…by romancing her. Is he sincere, or does he have a dark ulterior motive?
Alternative titles: Miedo súbito | Ehe mit dem Satan | Maskierte Herzen | La nuit écarlate | Precipícios d’Alma | 惊惧骤起 | Náhlý strach | Afsløret | Pelko | Le masque arraché | Pyrinos efialtis | Nenadani strah | Hirtelen félelem | So che mi ucciderai | 突然の恐怖 | In de greep van de angst | Skjer det i natt? | Nagły strach | Medo Súbito | Frică subită | Avslöjad | Внезапный страх | Çıldırtan takip | Eiskalte Rache | Strah
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