Detour (1945)

The life of Al Roberts, a pianist in a New York nightclub, turns into a nightmare when he decides to hitchhike to Los Angeles to visit his girlfriend.

Alternative titles: El desvío | Отклонение | Curva do Destino | Detour (El desvío) | Détour | Παράκαμψη | Μοιραία συνάντηση | Terelőút | Detour: Deviazione per l’inferno | 恐怖のまわり道 | Peligros del destino | Bezdroże | Desvio | Detur | Zaobilazni put | Farlig omväg | Объезд | Uzun Yol | Об’їзд | Umleitung | Zaobilaznica

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