A photographer and his models go to an old, abandoned castle for a photo shoot. Unbeknownst to them, the castle is inhabited by a lunatic who believes himself to be the reincarnated spirit of a 17th-century executioner whose job it is to protect the castle against intruders.
Alternative titles: Vierges pour le bourreau | Bloody Pit of Horror | Das Schreckensschloß des scharlachroten Henkers | Torturbødlen | Filles pour le Bourreau | Le bourreau écarlate | To spiti me ta mystiriodi eglimata | Il Boia Scarlatto | 惨殺の古城 | Кровавая бездна ужаса | The Red Hangman | The Crimson Executioner | Bloody Pit of Horror: A Tale of Torture | Das Schreckensschloss des scharlachroten Henkers | Scarletto – Schloß des Blutes | Il castello di Artena | The Scarlet Hangman | A Tale of Torture | The Scarlet Executioner | Virgins for the Hangman | Crimson Executioner | The Castle of Artena | Some Virgins for the Hangman